Thursday, 25 October 2012

Act 1 Scene 6
Setting: A railway Compartment 1895.

Holmes, Watson and McDonald are sitting down and are discussing the clues. Holmes and McDonald are talking about the moat, while Watson is trying to find out how the murderer escaped. Holmes tells about Porlock's message, and they start suspecting professor Moriarty. McDonald also suspects Barker as Mason tells them that Mr.Douglas disliked Mrs.Douglas' and Barker's friendship. Holmes has a feeling that their is a chain between Mrs.Douglas and Professor Moriarty and he wants to follow that chain.

Thanks Javeria Malik VII-B

Summary scenes 1 till 5. Best of luck!

                                 THE VALLEY OF FEAR
Act I
Scene 1

Setting: railway compartment, vermissa valley 1875
McMurdo has arrived to vermissa valley. He is travelling in a train compartment. He seats down, takes out a paper have a look at it, takes out a revolver check if it is loaded and puts it back. Scanlan and Cormac see this. They ask him if he is armed and his whereabouts. Mcm

urdo explains that he is from Chicago and one of the ancient orders of freemen. Scanlan says the sign, “dark nights are unpleasant”, and Mcmurdo shakes his hand and completes the countersign “for strangers to travel”. They introduce themselves to each other. Scanlan and Cormac ask him to visit McGinty who is the body master and everything happens in vermissa valley based upon his order. Scanlan and Cormac get off at their destined stop. Police officers approach McMurdo; he doesn’t talk to them positively. Police officers warn him to be careful while choosing friends in vermissa valley.

Scene 2

Setting: Shafter’s lodging 1875.
Baldwin who is a scowrer trying to convince Ettie to go out. Ettie is giving excuses but promises to meet on Friday as she is threatened because Baldwin is a scowrer. Shafter arrives and witnesses Baldwin. Shafter does like Baldwin presence around his daughter and in his lodge. McMurdo arrives and he is supposed to stay at Shafter’s. He finds Ettie adorable.

Scene 3

Setting: Baker Street 1895.
Holmes is an investigator. He is reading a ciphered message stating 534..C2…13. He is suspecting Professor Moriarty and stating that he is controlling power of underworld. He is the schemer of all the time and a mind behind devilry. Watson calls him as Napoleon of Crime. He is such a clever mind that he never leaves any proof against him. He is the controlling man of a chain of people including fighting men, pickpockets, blackmailers and criminals. They tend to decode the ciphered message. Fred Porlock is Professor Moriarty and Watson is dreading as he suspects him and asks Holmes to burn the message.
They tend to guess the book. Their first guess is “Bible” but the idea gets rejected as bible’s each edition has different pages. Second guess is Bradshaw which is a railway timetable. This idea also gets rejected as the vocabulary is limited so a general message cannot be sent via it. Finally Almanac is chosen. They are able to decipher the message “there is danger may come to Douglas at birlstone house birlstone pressing”. at the same time , MacDonald approaches and tells them that Mr. Douglas has been murdered.

Scene 4 

Setting: union house salon 1875 the bar.
McGinty and his fellow scowrers are reading news written by James Stranger. This news unfolds the truth about the existence of criminal organization. McGinty wants to teach a hard lesson to James for unveiling the truth of scowrers existence. Meanwhile Scanlan approaches and informs McGinty about his meeting with McMurdo.

Scene 5

Setting: Birlstone Manor 1895 the study.
A body is lying on the floor with its head behind the chair. A sawn off gun lying as well. On the table, hand lamp is placed with a partially burnt candle. A single dumb bell is lying beneath the table. Hammer is lying; window and curtain are partially opened. Doctor Wood and Sergeant Wilson are inspecting the body and collecting the findings. They are waiting for McMurdo and Holmes to arrive. Barker is Mr Douglas close friend and he informs the police first. When Mason comes in he sees that gun is wired. They also get to see tattoo on his arm with a triangle inside a circle. Barker arrives and offices interrogate him. Barker explains that the murder has been committed around half past eleven last night. According to him, He was in the bedroom when he heard the gun shot. He reaches within 30 seconds and finds Mr. Douglas lying. Mrs. Douglas also comes down but he prevent her from seeing the sight


In this scene they are telling you that Baldwin,Willaby brothers,Scanlan and Mcmurdo came on quietly.Baldwin was holding stick whereas Scanlan and Willaby brothers were holding a lamp.As McMurdo was new in the scowrers gang so Scanlan was asking some questions from him that did he like this place or not.McMurdo directly said that it is a good place for him.Stanger enters into
the room with his bloodied face.Baldwin enters along with him and beat Stanger very badly with a stick.After a moment McMurdo pulls Baldwin back and said to him that it was bodymasters order not to kill Stanger.Willaby brothers agreed with McMurdo.Now they got separated and scowrers go off separately whereas Stanger exists.